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Youth Mental Health: First Aid (Y/MHFA)
VirtualThis training is full. Please keep an eye out for additional trainings in Fall. Mercy Care is offering Youth Mental Health: First Aid (Y/MHFA) at no cost. This interactive class […]
ACEs Consortium 2nd Quarterly Meeting
VirtualRegister here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Loj4IiGRSzmWemmNCOK4jg
Youth Mental Health: First Aid (Y/MHFA)
VirtualMercy Care is offering Youth Mental Health: First Aid (Y/MHFA) at no cost. This interactive class raises awareness and improves literacy around youth mental health. You will learn how to […]
7th Annual Trauma Sensitive Schools Symposium
VirtualThe theme for this year's Trauma Sensitive Schools Symposium is "Resilience is Resistance". We will host a range of engaging sessions that will expand participants’ knowledge of trauma-sensitive school systems and education […]