5 events found.
Fall ACEs Training of Trainers
VirtualAre you interested in delivering trainings on ACEs, trauma and resilience? The ACEs Consortium is looking to expand its community of Certified ACEs Trainers. Come join our next Training of […]
ACEs Consortium 4th Quarterly Meeting 2022
VirtualRegister here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TfPGCTATQFWOdsNZC01fvw Speaker: Sam Garman "The Power of Transformational Relationships: how transformational relationships can impact help-seeking and self-determination". He will highlight some new research and talk about how to […]
Dr Acosta- “Reimagining Trauma Through the Healing-Centered Paradigm”
VirtualDrawing on extensive research and professional practice, this interactive keynote invites participants into an exploration of how practitioners and scholars have deliberately integrated the notion of healing into K-12 curricula, […]