ACEs Consortium Board
Purpose: To provide support, guidance and oversight of the ACE Consortium.
Meetings/Location: 1st Friday of each month, 12:00-2:00
Arizona Trauma Informed Faith Community Network (AZTIFC)
Purpose: To build resilient faith-based organizations to facilitate sensitive care, training, resource sharing, advocacy, and social movement, not compromising own faith tradition, but multiplying collaboration for the greater good.
Meetings/Location: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:00 -11:30am. Location varies.
Committee Chair:
Rev. Sanghoon Yoo, MSW, MDiv ASU
The Faithful City
Creating Trauma Sensitive AZ Schools
Purpose: To network, gather resources, information and knowledge, spread awareness of the impact of trauma, and increase support to ensure that children traumatized by ACEs succeed in school.
Meetings/Location: 1st Wed. of each month 4:00- 5:30. Virtually.
Register here:
Committee Chairs:
Jennifer Blau
Children’s System of Care Program Specialist
Banner University Health Plans
Laura Wiggins, MA, LMSW
Regional Director of Clinical Services, The Menta Group Special Education Services

Purpose: This committee will work to support the ACEs consortium with necessary
communication needs to inform the public of current ACEs work-groups, and
engage the community to increase and maintain an active consortium
membership. These communication needs include:
- social media support
- creating and distributing press releases
- creating a bi-monthly newsletter
- Support the Constortium’s branding and advertising needs
Meetings/Location: 2nd Wednesday of the month from 11am-12pm
Microsoft TEAMS
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 257 746 860 684
Passcode: SYN7Yk
Committee Chair:
Sabrina Walton
Healing Historical Trauma
Purpose: The Historical Trauma work group is dedicated to integrating information about intergenerational trauma into the many facets of society. We seek to cultivate unity, compassion and equity through the exploration of history’s impact on various ethnic and religious groups. It is our mission to create a movement that recognizes the importance of Culturally Competent Trauma-Informed Practices in every aspect of community interaction. All people from all sectors are embraced in the Historical Trauma work group!
Meetings/Location: Second Tuesday of the Month at 10am- Virtually
Committee Chair:
Iya Affo, Family Support Specialist,
Red Mountain Behavioral Health
Rural & Indigenous Community Committee
Purpose: Collective investment to bring together our rural and indigenous communities by building community based relationships based on the strengths of the community.
Meetings/Location: 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12pm-1pm
Committee Chair:
Rene RedDay- Building Communities

Interfaith Workgroup
Committee Chair:
Pastor Sanghoon Yoo, PhD;
Southern Arizona Trauma Informed Network
Purpose: SATIN provides an action oriented framework for a trauma responsive community in Southern Arizona through training and connection.
Meetings/Location: Bi-Monthly
Committee Chair:
Hilary Mahoney
ACEs Trainer Support Work Group
Purpose: To develop a community of ACE Trainers statewide, and create a dynamic training portfolio that is flexible to meet the needs of a variety of audiences. If you are interested in joining this workgroup, please contact Committee Chair.
Meetings/Location: Second Wednesday of the Month, 10am-11:30am held virtually currently.
Committee Chair:
Sandi Cimino

Join Us
The Arizona ACEs Consortium is a collaboration of more than one hundred individuals, state, county, and private organizations working together.
We are made up of professionals from all walks of life, united by a desire to help Arizona’s children.
It’s a big group, and we’re committed to making sure that all families have the opportunity to raise healthy children from the start, so that every child has the opportunity to thrive.

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Don’t miss out on the stories of change and progress—subscribe today and be a part of our journey to a more resilient Arizona.