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Resilience Empowerment Project

Training of Trainers

The Resilience Empowerment Project provides a foundation for community building while facilitating the development of practical tools and strategies to support educators, community organizations, adolescents and families to gain an awareness of the impact of trauma, toxic stress and ACEs. Our goal is to expand the number of communities and schools who are knowledgeable and ready to take action on understanding:


  • The importance of creating systems and environments that provide physical and emotional safety and minimize re-traumatization
  • Trauma as a societal concern with the potential for healing through communal action
  • Neurological dysregulation as the impetus for maladaptive behaviors and difficulties in learning
  • The process to becoming trauma aware, trauma sensitive and ultimately trauma informed as an ongoing, recursive journey, not a destination;
  • This work requires the engagement of all sectors—from policymakers, to civic groups, to youth, to business owners, to health and education professionals, to parents and volunteers;
  • Strategies to build protective and promotive factors within individuals and communities as part of primary prevention efforts;
  • Resiliency and trauma-informed care strategies, skills, and resources to support those who have experienced adversity/trauma.