5 events found.
Understanding ACEs and the Impacts of Childhood Trauma
VirtualThe Understanding ACEs and the Impacts of Childhood Trauma workshop provides an overview of ACEs and shifts the lenses through which we understand toxic stress and trauma. Participants engage in discussions about the impact of systemic inequalities, toxic stress, and trauma on bodies and brains and explore what's next. This training is virtual, FREE, and […]
Spring ACEs Training of Trainers
VirtualAre you interested in delivering trainings on ACEs, trauma and resilience? The ACEs Consortium is looking to expand its community of Certified ACEs Trainers. Come join our next Training of the Trainers set to occur virtually on the following dates from 9am to 2pm: 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, and 5/24. The Training of Trainers includes: […]